Life Skills Workshop signup

May 18th - Singles
“Stronger in Purpose”

June 22nd - Couples
“Stronger in Partnership”

* LOCATION: St. Bernard Care Main Hospital - 326 W. 64th St., Chicago, IL 60621 (ROOM N276)

August  31st - Seniors
“Stronger in Perseverance”

* LOCATION: St. Bernard Care Main Hospital - 326 W. 64th St., Chicago, IL 60621 (ROOM N276)

Sept. 28th - Parenting
“Stronger in Potential”

Oct.  12th - Youth
“Stronger in Possibilities”


Mark your calendars for Life Skills Workshop! We'll meet at The Kelly Branch Library, 6151 S Normal Blvd, Chicago, IL 60621 (62nd & Normal)  10AM-12 Noon. We look forward to you joining us!